working groups

The organization team plans everything that comes up. But you don't have to do everything!

We work in working groups and everyone can join in. The working groups are not set in stone, we set up new ones as required and sometimes dissolve old ones.

Maybe you have a soft spot for design, are keen to organize furniture, love numbers and finance or are really well connected in the city? There's a place for everyone here - we welcome all new and old faces.

Our current AGs (may 2024):

AG publicity: We take care of the Instagram account, write texts, build the website and create posters and flyers.
general meeting: wednesdays 6 - 7 pm

WG room: We take care of setting up, creating and running the treffpunkt 1x1s (Mondays 5pm) and plan the prep&schlepp week.
general meeting: mondays 5 - 6 pm

AG finances: We manage the money we have received from foundations and applications, do the accounting at the end and keep our eyes open for new funding and write applications for it.
general meeting: wednesdays 5 - 6 pm

AG program planning: From 04 May we will have a supporting program with a wide variety of offers. This working group is responsible for sending out the open call for the supporting program and for structuring and planning the month.
general meeting: tuesday 6 - 7 pm

AG structure/legal form Here we consider how we can organize ourselves as a legal form, structure internal workflows (mails and tables) and think about long-term planning.
general meeting: thursday 2 - 3 pm